
Friday, October 12, 2012

Cagayan de Oro

Cagayan de Oro sits on the Northern edge of Mindanao in the Philippines. The bustling city is the perfect jumping off point for the little jewel that is Camiguin, a volcanic island sitting just off Mindanao's coast. Explore the culture and activities on offer in Camiguin's splendid natural setting on a private Cagayan de Oro tour.

Just out of Cagayan de Oro, you can visit the vast pineapple plantations that drive the region's economy. If you're feeling adventurous, a river rafting trip in Bukidnon may be your next stop, or perhaps a more leisurely boat ride to Camiguin island. The islanders here are primarily fishing folk, and offer travelers a warm welcome. With your guide you can explore waterfalls, snorkel at sandy beaches, take a dip in hidden hot springs, go for a jungle trek - even climb a volcano! Camiguin provides all the beauty and adventure you can dream of in an island paradise.

The city has a reservoir of advantages: no typhoons all year round, rich agricultural environments, a broad consumer and manpower base, cheap and abundant power, strategically located internation seaports, modern telecommunication facilities, adequate infrastructure and a highly efficient educational system.As the trade and service center of Northern Mindanao, the city is a prime location for cost-effective air, land and sea transit. Moreover, its striving business community and the necessary business support facilities makes the process of doing business relaxed and pleasurable. 

The soundness of the Cagayan de Oro business climate as well as its metropolitan flavor combined with the warm and easy nature of the local people gives it a self-contained setting that motivated an increasing number expatriate business to stay in the city for good. 

As an urban center with a regional market orientation, a high level of market sophistication and an economy closely intertwined with the economies of the entire region, the city is poised for planned, rapid and sustained growth.